Introduction to Net Metering

1. Solar PV panels converts sunlight into DC electricity.
2. Inverter converts DC electricity into usable AC electricity.
3. The net meter passes the electricity towards the grid or house as per the requirement and keep records of sent to the grid via the Net Meter.
4. This system is using the grid as the storage of the power generated by Solar PV modules.
5. You will draw stored electricity from the Grid and consume the stored power during the night time.



This connection will be metered by an export/import energy meter which registers the export and import of the customer separately. The contract period is 20 years.
At the end of each billing period, LECO will read the consumer’s export energy meter reading and the import meter reading. The electricity bill will be prepared for the difference between the import and the export registers.


This Scheme has introduced an additional element to the Scheme 01 where export energy in any will be paid at an export tariff. The contract period is 20 years.
Customer will be paid Rs 22.00 per exported unit during the first 07 years and from the 08th year to 20th year he will be paid Rs 15.50 per export unit.  If the consumption is greater than the energy generated from the solar panels, consumer will be issued a bill using the existing electricity tariff for the import.


Total generation of electricity from the solar PV power plant will be metered through a dedicated export energy meter for which the customer will be paid. The energy import will be measured through a separate import energy meter.
The contract period is 20 years. The customer will be paid for his energy registered in the export meter at the export tariff and be charged for import using the normal customer tariff. The current export tariff is 22.00 Rs/kWh for the first 7 years and from the 8th year up to contract period of 20 years, Rs 15.50.